


Most women experience some form of breast pain at one time or another. 乳房疼痛通常很容易治疗, but on rarer occasions it can be a sign of something more serious.

医学主任 郊区医院 乳房中心 帕梅拉·赖特,M.D.,讨论了最常见的原因 乳房疼痛(乳房痛)他们的治疗方法以及何时去看医生;

  1. 荷尔蒙让你的乳房疼痛.

    Hormonal fluctuations are the number one reason women have breast pain. 乳房s become sore three to five days prior to the beginning of a menstrual period and stop hurting after it starts. This is due to a rise in estrogen and progesterone right before your period. These hormones cause your breasts to swell and can lead to tenderness.

    “It’s normal to have breast tenderness that comes and goes around the time of your period,赖特说。. “没什么好担心的.”

    如果你怀孕了, your breasts may remain sore during the first trimester as hormone production ramps up. 乳房 tenderness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy for many women.


    • 消除咖啡因
    • 吃低脂饮食
    • 减少盐的摄入量
    • 避免吸烟
    • 服用非处方止痛药
    • Ask your doctor if switching birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy medications may help
  2. 你胸部受伤了.

    就像你身体的任何部位一样,乳房也会受伤. This can happen because of an accident, while playing sports or from breast surgery. You may feel a sharp, shooting pain at the time of injury. Tenderness can linger for a few days up to several weeks after trauma to the breast. See your doctor if the pain doesn’t improve or you notice any of these signs:

    • 严重的肿胀
    • 乳房上的肿块
    • 又红又热,可能是感染的迹象
    • 你胸前的淤青,不会消失
  3. 你的乳房疼是因为胸罩不结实.

    没有适当的支持, the ligaments that connect breasts to the chest wall can become overstretched and painful by the end of the day. 结果就是乳房疼痛. 这在运动时尤其明显. Make sure your bra is the correct size and provides good support.

  4. 乳房疼痛其实是来自胸壁.

    What feels like breast pain may actually be coming from your chest wall. This is the area of muscle, tissue and bone that surrounds and protects your heart and lungs. 胸壁疼痛的常见原因包括:

    • 肌肉拉伤
    • 肋骨周围发炎
    • 胸壁外伤(胸部被击中)
    • 骨折
  5. 母乳喂养会导致乳房触痛.

    乳房feeding can sometimes be the source of breast pain. Some of the things you can experience while nursing include:

    • 痛苦的 nipples from an improper latch (the way a baby latches on to suck)
    • Tingling sensation during letdown (when the milk starts to flow to the baby)
    • Nipple soreness due to being bitten or having dry, cracked skin or an infection
    If you have pain while breastfeeding, it’s best to talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant. They can help you troubleshoot the problem while maintaining your milk supply. 
  6. 你的乳房感染了.

    母乳喂养的妇女最容易得 乳房感染(乳腺炎)但偶尔也会发生在其他女性身上. If you have a breast infection, you may have a fever and symptoms in one breast, including:

    • 疼痛
    • 发红
    • 肿胀

    If you think you may have a breast infection, it’s important to see a doctor. Treatment typically includes antibiotics and pain relievers.

  7. 乳房疼痛可能是药物的副作用.

    一些药物的副作用可能会导致乳房疼痛. Talk to your doctor about the medications you’re on and if this could be the case for you. 有这种已知副作用的药物包括:

    • 氧甲酮,用于治疗某些形式的贫血
    • Chlorpromazine, used to treat various mental health conditions
    • 水丸(利尿剂), drugs that increase urination and are used to treat kidney and heart disease and high blood pressure
    • Hormone therapies (birth control pills, hormone replacement or infertility treatments)
    • 洋地黄,治疗心力衰竭
    • 甲基多巴,用于治疗高血压
  8. 你有一个疼痛的乳房囊肿.

    If a tender lump suddenly appears in your breast, you may have a cyst, says Wright. “These fluid-filled lumps aren’t dangerous and often don’t need to be treated as they may resolve on their own. But it’s important to get any lump in your breast evaluated by a doctor.”

    诊断囊肿, 你的医生可能会建议你做乳房x光检查, 超声或抽吸(从肿块中抽出液体). 从囊肿中排出液体也是一种治疗方法. If the cyst isn’t bothersome, you may not need any treatment at all.

    了解更多关于乳腺囊肿和其他 非癌性乳房肿块.
  9. You’re experiencing painful complications from breast implants. 

    Some women have complications with breast implants, whether made of silicone or saline. One of the most common causes of pain after breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture, 当疤痕组织在植入物周围形成太紧时. 乳房 pain can also be an indication that one of your implants has ruptured. Talk to your doctor about any pain you’re having to determine if it could be related to the breast implants.
  10. 乳房疼痛有时可能是乳腺癌的征兆.

    It’s unusual for breast cancer to cause pain, says Wright, but not impossible. 炎性乳腺癌 often causes pain but it’s rare, accounting for 1% to 5% of breast cancer cases in the United States. Symptoms of this aggressive disease often come on suddenly and progress rapidly. 炎性乳腺癌 may cause the breast to become:

    • 红色或变色
    • 肿胀或沉重
    • 痛苦的
    乳房上的皮肤也可能增厚或凹陷. If you’re concerned about inflammatory breast cancer, see your doctor immediately. 


虽然大多数情况下乳房疼痛是小问题, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your concerns. “If you have persistent breast pain, you should be evaluated,赖特说。. “And anyone who has a lump — painful or not — should see their doctor for an exam to make sure there isn’t a problem.”

