masked gym-goers participate in a group exercise class
masked gym-goers participate in a group exercise class
masked gym-goers participate in a group exercise class

Getting Back to Exercise Safely After Pandemic Lockdown

Featured Experts:

Published on May 13, 2021

2019冠状病毒病大流行迫使许多人推迟参加体育和其他体育活动. The shutdown of schools, gyms and recreation programs, coupled with the restrictions in public spaces, 使人们无法进行有益于身心健康的活动.

As you return to public spaces, keep in mind infection prevention guidelines to protect yourself and others. These guidelines include practicing physical distancing, washing your hands, avoiding touching your face and wearing a mask. 约翰霍普金斯委员会认证的运动物理治疗专家约翰戴尔和委员会认证的骨科物理治疗专家瑞恩卡明斯回答关于如何安全地回到正常的运动或锻炼常规的常见问题.



“The more you compete or perform an activity, the more your body becomes accustomed to it,” says Dale. “When you stop doing that activity, 你的身体不会保持在那个水平,因为你没有用同样的方式使用它. 重新开始一项你很久没有做过的活动,并期望从你离开的地方开始可能会导致不必要的疼痛和痛苦.”


What are some ways to ramp up activity safely?


  • Runners can start with a walk-to-run program. As you feel more comfortable walking for a longer time or distance, take minutes away from the walk and add it to the run.
  • Weightlifters should start out with lighter weights. 当你增加重量时,你可以减少重复的次数. 你的进步可以通过你能够轻松地增加重量或重复次数来标记.
  • To avoid overuse and stress, 在你的锻炼过程中,让身体的不同部位参与不同的活动.

你的身体需要时间来适应特定的活动或强度水平. 当你进行一项活动时,你的身体会做出积极或消极的反应. “A negative response would be pain from doing too much too soon. But if you work on those progressions, such as turning a walk into a jog and then into a run, it becomes easier over time to run longer without pain or discomfort,” says Dale.

当你重返运动或活动时,有哪些运动损伤或疼痛需要注意, after a period of inactivity?

Typically, 那些不放松回到运动状态的人将会面临疼痛和痛苦, instead of structural damage (injuries) to their body.

Some common pains and strains include:

  • General muscle soreness
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Back of the ankle (Achilles tendon) pain
  • Bottom of the foot/plantar fascia pain
  • Hamstring strains

When these instances of pain happen, 在重新开始活动之前,给自己时间恢复是至关重要的. “一段时间不运动后肌肉疲劳和酸痛的持续时间可能比运动后典型的24到48小时恢复时间更长,” says Cummings.

If other symptoms are present in the area you are experiencing pain, such as swelling or bruising, you should follow up with your doctor.

If you kept a workout routine at home, 当你回到健身房或有组织的运动时,你还应该采取预防措施吗?

如果你的活动或习惯在一个新环境中略有不同, the rule remains to start slowly and less intensely, before ramping it up.

“If you used to bench-press at the gym, then went to pushups at home every day during the pandemic, 你可能会觉得你在做同样的动作,锻炼同样的肌肉群,” says Cummings. “But the movement in doing those lifts isn’t the same, 所以期望应该降低,因为你对新活动的能力会有所不同.”


Warm up and cool down

Proper stretching, plyometrics, such as jumping exercises, 在运动前后散步或慢跑可以让你的身体适当地热身和降温.

Pace yourself and your goals

当你重新开始日常生活时,你可能会有一个健身目标. But you may find it difficult to achieve initially. Set smaller goals to get to larger goals. For example, if you’re training for a marathon, start with a goal to successfully run a 5K or half-marathon.

Listen to your body

同样重要的是要明白,你的身体每天都会有不同的反应. “Every day is going to be different,” says Cummings. “有一天你可能会举起更多的重量,但第二天你可能无法再举起同样的重量. 在恢复到一定的活动水平时,会有高峰和低谷.”

If an activity or movement doesn’t feel comfortable, 立即咨询你的内科医生、骨科医生或物理治疗师.

“There’s a difference between pain and discomfort,” says Dale. “从力量或心血管的角度来看,这是困难还是不舒服? 或者,你的肩膀或膝盖是否出现疼痛,这限制了你的功能? The line between discomfort, 在这些情况下,疼痛和伤害有时是模糊的,对每个人来说都是独一无二的.”

“Just do what feels good for you,” adds Cummings. “听从你的身体,如果第一次太容易,下次就难一点.”

Take a day (or more) off

“It’s ok to have rest days,” says Cummings. “运动很好,但你需要一天的时间让身体恢复. If you do an activity seven days a week, there’s no opportunity for the body to recover from the stresses you put on it; ultimately, that can lead to overuse or injury.”

Be mindful of breathing


“Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly. Your belly should be the one that rises and moves,” explains Cummings. “This allows more of a deep breath, versus when you breathe with your shoulders, 这是达到更大的吸气和呼气量的最好方法.”

This technique, which can be practiced both during workouts and in general settings, helps to relax and calm you during times of high stress or pressure.


The effects of COVID-19 are different for everyone, 因此,在恢复运动或健身活动之前,你应该咨询你的医生. 你的医生将能够确定你的活动计划是否会带来任何风险, in light of your prior COVID-19 diagnosis.


  1. 至少等一个星期,没有症状后再参加运动或健身活动.
  2. Start with light activity, such as a daily 15 – to 30-minute walk.
  3. Slowly ramp up your regimen over the days and/or weeks that follow.
  4. Stop your activity, and consult your physician if you experience returning symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest pains, lightheadedness or heart palpitations.

在恢复运动和活动时,采取一切预防措施是至关重要的. 记住,耐心是关键,当你重新回到你的日常生活中.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.