
癫痫 is a condition that causes 癫痫发作s, temporary episodes that often 包括抽搐和抽搐. 这些癫痫发作发生在大脑 electrical impulses act abnormally and send erratic signals. 可以这样想 your brain getting confused by these haywire messages, and the result is a 癫痫发作.

癫痫 can make driving, walking across the street, or cooking dinner a dangerous activity because you never know when a 癫痫发作 may strike. 但 epilepsy can usually be managed well through 药物治疗 and other 治疗. Learning how to reduce your risk for a 癫痫发作 through lifestyle changes and learning your triggers can also help you to better 控制癫痫.


关于 70 percent of people with epilepsy are able to successfully manage epilepsy 癫痫发作s with 药物治疗 and certain types of surgery, but it’s important to remember that epilepsy can't be cured and that there's always 有再次发作的风险.

癫痫 usually begins in young people, often between ages 5 and 20, 尽管它可以影响任何人. 大多数情况下,癫痫患者 someone else in their family who has epilepsy or 癫痫发作s.

Sometimes 癫痫发作s can be triggered by something that's out of your 控制. Running a high fever may result in a 癫痫发作, despite taking 控制癫痫的药物. 血糖或钠含量高或低的 or taking certain 药物治疗s can also cause a 癫痫发作.


癫痫的主要症状是癫痫发作. 但是有不同的类型 有不同症状的癫痫发作. 以下是癫痫发作的一些症状:

  • Slight twitching of all or parts of the body, including arms, 手和腿

  • 抽搐影响全身的抽搐

  • 失去知觉

  • 抽搐的脸

  • 受影响的演讲

  • 突然的寂静伴随着茫然的凝视

  • Temporary loss of 控制 of your bladder or bowels

Most 癫痫发作s only last for a few minutes or even just a few seconds. If you've had a 癫痫发作, it may take you an hour or so to feel normal again. And you may not have any memory of having had a 癫痫发作 or remember what 癫痫发作时发生了什么.


A doctor may perform a neurological exam and a complete physical exam to pinpoint the cause of the 癫痫发作s and diagnose epilepsy. 测试用于 癫痫的诊断包括:

  • An electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure the electrical activity of 大脑

  • A spinal tap to collect spinal fluid for analysis

  • Imaging tests, like an MRI or CT scan, of the head

These blood tests are also commonly used to help diagnose epilepsy or rule 其他疾病:

  • 检查肝肾功能

  • 血糖测试

  • 全血细胞计数和血液化学

  • Tests to diagnose or rule out any infectious diseases


癫痫 can be treated through multiple strategies. 通常药物是 needed to 控制 癫痫发作s and treat epilepsy; these commonly prescribed 药物被称为抗惊厥药.

Medication alone can't always stop or reduce 癫痫发作s. 一种叫做 vagus nerve stimulator may help treat epilepsy if you don’t get relief from 药物治疗. The stimulator is surgically placed in the chest. It electrically stimulates a large nerve (the vagus nerve) that runs through 颈部. This device is successful in preventing 癫痫发作s in some people, but even a vagus nerve stimulator can't totally stop 癫痫发作s from 发生.

Some doctors recommend a special diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates 帮助控制癫痫. This is called a ketogenic diet, and it may help more than half of people who haven't improved on medicine alone.

If you can't get good 控制 over 癫痫发作s with 药物治疗s, diet, or a vagus nerve stimulator, brain surgery to correct the problem might be an option.


If 你癫痫发作了 for the first time, you should see a doctor right 试图找出原因. 如果你已经被诊断出 epilepsy, tell your doctor about any changes in your 癫痫发作s; it's a good idea to keep track of when and where they occur and contact your doctor as 推荐.


Although there is no way to prevent epilepsy, you can take steps to help 预防癫痫发作:

  • Don't drink alcohol, use illegal drugs, or smoke.

  • Protect your head with a helmet during any sport or activity that 会导致头部受伤吗.

  • 每晚保证充足的睡眠.

  • Do your best to avoid getting a cold or the flu.

  • Talk with your doctor about all of your prescription 药物治疗s to 确保它们不会加重癫痫发作.

  • Always take all of your epilepsy 药物治疗s as prescribed.

  • 找到健康的方式来应对压力.


癫痫 can lead to emotional and social problems, particularly in 孩子们. They may start to act out, experience behavior problems at 或者发展为学习障碍. 癫痫发作本身会引起 injury if you fall or hit your head or if you happen to be driving or using 机械. Other complications include suffering permanent damage to the 癫痫发作时大脑缺氧.

Medications used to treat epilepsy may cause complications or uncomfortable 副作用. If you're pregnant, some of these drugs may lead to serious 出生缺陷.


Because a 癫痫发作 can strike at any time, do your best to be prepared. If you have un控制led 癫痫发作s, don’t drive to reduce your risk of being in 一场事故. Ask your doctor about wearing a medical alert bracelet that identifies you as having epilepsy so that people will know what to do if 你癫痫发作了. And if you're pregnant or trying to become pregnant, remember to check with your doctor about the safety of your 药物治疗s.

