

The flu is caused by a virus. 病毒通常在感染者打喷嚏或咳嗽时通过空气在人与人之间传播.

但这种病毒也可以在门把手等物体上存活很短的时间, pens, pencils, keyboards, phones, and cups or eating utensils. 因此,你也可以通过触摸最近被感染病毒的人处理过的东西,然后触摸自己的嘴来感染流感, nose, or eyes.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Each person may have different symptoms. The flu is a respiratory disease. But it can affect your whole body. Symptoms usually start suddenly. 人们通常会因为以下几种或全部症状而病得很重:

  • Cough, often becoming severe

  • Extreme exhaustion

  • Fatigue for several weeks

  • Headache

  • High fever

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Severe aches and pains

  • Sneezing at times

  • Sometimes a sore throat

  • Vomiting and diarrhea

Fever and body aches often last for 3 to 7 days. But cough and fatigue may last for 2 weeks or more.

The symptoms of the flu may look like other health problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

How is the flu diagnosed?

The flu is diagnosed based on your symptoms and lab tests. Lab tests involve a swab of your nose to confirm the diagnosis.

How is the flu treated?

Treatment will depend on your symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

治疗流感的目标是帮助预防或减轻症状和并发症的严重程度. Treatment may include:

  • Antiviral medicines. 这些处方药可以缩短你患流感的时间. In some high-risk people, 它们还可以降低并发症的风险或缩短持续时间. 这些药物通常必须在发病的头两天内开始使用. 但是,并发症风险最高的人或已经患有并发症的人,即使在生病的第二天也可以服用这些药物. 这些药物有时确实有副作用,如神经紧张、头晕或恶心. But they are often mild at most.

  • Medicines. 有治疗鼻塞和流鼻涕的非处方药. You can also take medicine to relieve aches and fever. Don't give aspirin to children or teens with fever. 阿司匹林可能会引起副作用,比如胃部不适和肠道出血. It can also cause Reye syndrome. 这种罕见但非常严重的疾病会影响身体的所有器官. But it most often injures the brain and liver. The medicine of choice for children and teens is acetaminophen.

  • Rest. Bed rest and plenty of fluids can help.

Talk with your healthcare provider for more information.

What are possible complications of the flu?

The flu can cause ear and sinus infections. Flu can make chronic conditions worse. For example, it can cause flares in people with asthma.

A serious complication of the flu is pneumonia. 其他可能的严重并发症包括心脏感染和炎症(心肌炎)。, brain (encephalitis), or muscles (myositis or rhabdomyolysis). 流感有时会在体内引起一种危及生命的炎症,称为败血症. Sepsis is a medical emergency.

Can the flu be prevented?

健康专家强烈建议你接种流感疫苗来保护自己和他人. 每年秋天都会生产一种新的流感疫苗,以防止流感病毒在流感季节爆发. 除了极少数例外,6个月以上的人每年都应该接种流感疫苗. 对于2023-24年流感季节,疫苗有不同形式. The most common way to get the vaccine is by flu shot. 2岁至49岁的健康、未怀孕的人也可以使用鼻腔喷雾剂.

The flu shot is safe. The CDC and the FDA closely watch vaccine safety. 几十年来,全国各地已经安全地接种了数亿支流感疫苗.

The flu shot can’t give you the flu. But some of the side effects can be like the illness. The most common side effects from a flu shot are:

  • Achiness

  • Low-grade fever

  • Soreness where the shot was given


疫苗的效力因人而异. It can depend on factors such as age and overall health.

The following may also be helpful for preventing the flu:

  • 在可能的情况下,远离或限制与推荐十大正规网赌平台接触.

  • 经常用肥皂和水洗手,以减少感染的风险.

  • 咳嗽或打喷嚏时应捂住口鼻,以限制病毒的传播.

流感会引起并发症,可能发展成更严重的疾病或对某些人造成危险. 这包括老年人和有长期(慢性)健康问题的人. 一定要和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈,看看你是否应该注射流感疫苗.

Although the flu shot is safe, some people should not be vaccinated. These include:

  • 过去在接种流感疫苗后出现严重、危及生命反应的人

  • Babies age 6 months old or younger


  • You are sick with a fever. Talk with your provider first. You may be advised to wait until you recover to get the shot.

  • 曾经在注射流感疫苗后患上过严重的麻痹性疾病吉兰-巴罗综合征(GBS)吗. Some people with a history of GBS should not get a flu shot.

大多数流感疫苗和鼻腔喷雾流感疫苗都是使用基于鸡蛋的技术制造的. 即使对鸡蛋过敏的人也建议接种流感疫苗(无论是以鸡蛋为基础的还是不以鸡蛋为基础的). 所有疫苗都应在能够迅速识别和治疗过敏反应的环境中接种. Talk with your healthcare provider about your risk. Ask which flu vaccine is right for you.

September and October are generally good times to be vaccinated. 疾控中心建议在每年10月底前接种流感疫苗. 流感季节最早可在10月开始,最常见的高峰期在美国.S. in January or February. But flu seasons are unpredictable. The flu shot takes 1 to 2 weeks to start working. Even if you can't get your vaccine by the end of October, 专家仍然建议只要流感季节活跃就接种疫苗.

美国疾病控制与预防中心建议旅行者在计划旅行前至少两周接种流感疫苗,以便有时间产生免疫力. Talk with your healthcare provider for more information.

When should I call my healthcare provider?

对于大多数人来说,流感可以在家里治疗,而不需要你的医疗保健提供者的治疗. 但如果你有其他健康问题,使你更容易受到流感并发症的影响, tell your healthcare provider when you suspect you have the flu. 如果您的症状加重或出现新的症状,请告知您的医生.

Key points about the flu

  • The flu is an easily spread viral respiratory tract infection.

  • 流感是由通常通过空气在人与人之间传播的病毒引起的.

  • 流感的治疗方法是卧床休息,多喝水,并服用药物来治疗不适和发烧.

  • 在发病的头两天内服用抗病毒药物可以缩短病程,减少病情的严重程度. 它们还可以降低高危人群出现并发症的风险.

  • Getting the flu vaccine every year is the best prevention. 由于COVID-19和RSV等其他疾病,流感疫苗比以往任何时候都更重要.
