

An electrophysiology study (EP study) is a test used to evaluate your heart's electrical system and to check for abnormal heart rhythms.

自然的电脉冲协调心脏不同部位的收缩. 这就产生了心跳或心律,并保持血液正常流动.

在EP研究中, 您的医疗保健提供者插入小, 细导线电极插入腹股沟静脉. (或者脖子,在某些情况下.)然后医生将电极导线穿过静脉进入心脏. 为了做到这一点,你的医生使用一种特殊类型的实时x射线“电影”,称为透视. 一旦进入心脏,电极就会测量心脏的电信号. Electrical signals are also sent through the electrodes to stimulate the heart tissue to try to cause the abnormal heart rhythm. 这样做是为了评估它并找到它的原因. 它也可以用来帮助评估药物的效果.

在EP研究期间, specialists in heart rhythms or an electrophysiology specialist may also map the spread of the heart’s electrical impulses during each beat. 这样做可以帮助找到异常心跳的来源.



  • 评估症状, 比如头晕, fainting, weakness, 或心悸, 看看是不是心律失常引起的. This may be done when other tests have not been clear and your healthcare provider strongly suspects you have a heart rhythm problem.

  • 获取与心律异常快或慢有关的信息

  • To find the source of a heart rhythm problem with the intent to do ablation once the source is identified. Ablation is a procedure that creates scar tissue inside the heart to interrupt the abnormal electrical signals. 它通常可以治疗心律失常.

  • 看看治疗心律问题的药物效果如何




  • 在导管插入静脉的部位出现出血和瘀伤

  • 导管插入的血管受损

  • Formation of blood clots at the end of the catheter(s) that break off and travel into a blood vessel

  • 很少发生导管部位感染。

  • 很少出现心脏穿孔

  • 很少会损害心脏的传导系统

对一些人来说, having to lie still on the procedure table for the length of the study may be uncomfortable or painful.

根据您的具体医疗状况,可能会有其他风险. 请务必在测试前与您的医疗保健提供者讨论任何问题.


  • Your healthcare provider will explain the test to you and give you a chance to ask questions.

  • 您将被要求签署一份同意书,允许您进行测试. 仔细阅读表格,如果有不清楚的地方问问题.

  • 如果您对任何药物敏感或过敏,请告知您的医疗保健提供者, iodine, latex, tape, 或麻醉剂(局部和全身).

  • 你需要在测试前禁食(不吃不喝)一段时间. 你的医疗保健提供者会告诉你禁食的时间,通常是一夜.

  • 如果你怀孕了或认为你可能怀孕了,告诉你的医疗保健提供者.

  • 告诉你的医生你的胸部或腹部是否有穿孔。.

  • Be sure your healthcare provider knows about all medicines (prescription and over-the-counter), vitamins, herbs, 还有你正在服用的补充剂.

  • 告诉你的医生你是否有出血性疾病的病史. 或者如果你正在服用抗凝血剂(血液稀释剂)药物, aspirin, 或者其他影响血液凝固的药物. 你可能需要在测试前停止其中一些.

  • Your provider may request a blood test before the test to determine how long it takes your blood to clot. 其他血液检查也可以做.

  • 通常在测试前会服用镇静剂(一种让你放松的药). 之后你需要有人开车送你回家.

  • Your healthcare provider may request other specific preparation based on your medical condition.


你可以在门诊的基础上进行EP研究. 或者作为你住院期间的一部分. 测试可能会根据您的病情和您的医疗保健提供者的做法而有所不同.


  1. 您将被要求取下任何可能干扰测试的珠宝或其他物品.

  2. 你要脱下衣服换上病号服.

  3. 检查前你会被要求排空膀胱.

  4. The hair may be shaved off if there is a lot of hair at the area of the catheter insertion (often the groin area). 这将有助于愈合和减少测试后感染的机会.

  5. 在测试前,您的手或手臂将开始静脉注射. 这是为了在需要时给予药物和静脉输液.

  6. A member of the medical team will connect you to an electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor to record the electrical activity of your heart and monitor your heart during the test. 它使用粘在皮肤上的小电极. 医生还会观察你的生命体征(心率), 血压, 呼吸率, 和氧气水平).

  7. There may be several monitor screens showing your vital signs and the images of the catheter being moved through your body into your heart.

  8. 在测试前,你可能会在静脉注射镇静剂来帮助你放松. 但是,在测试过程中你会有点清醒.

  9. A member of the medical team will inject a local anesthetic into the skin at the site where the catheter and wires are to be put into the vein. You may feel some stinging at the site for a few seconds after the local anesthetic is injected.

  10. 一旦局部麻醉剂起作用, 您的医疗保健提供者将插入护套, 或介绍人, 进入血管. This is a plastic tube through which the catheter(s) will be put 进入血管 and advanced into the heart. 导管是又长又细的中空管,为血管提供通道. They protect the surrounding blood vessels from trauma as the equipment is passed through the vessel.

  11. 将一个或多个导管插入鞘和血管. The healthcare provider will thread the catheters through the blood vessel into the right side of the heart. Fluoroscopy (a special type of X-ray that is displayed on a TV monitor) is used to help advance the catheters to the heart. 您的医疗保健提供者可能会让您在屏幕上观看此过程.

  12. 一旦导管放置在正确的位置, your healthcare provider will send very small electrical impulses to certain areas within the heart. 你可能会感到你的心跳更强、更快. 如果开始出现心律失常,你可能会感到头晕或头晕. 可以给药或电击来阻止心律失常. 在电击之前,你可能会被注射镇静剂.

  13. The healthcare provider may do an ablation to destroy the abnormal tissue if a certain area of tissue is found to be causing a rhythm problem. 当使用热量时,它被称为射频消融. 当使用冷却时,它被称为冷冻消融.

  14. 有时给肾上腺素类药物帮助诱发心律失常. 你可能会感到你的心跳更快、更有力. 你可能会感到一些焦虑.

  15. 如果您感到任何不适或疼痛, 比如胸痛, 颈部或下颌疼痛, 背部疼痛, arm pain, 呼吸急促(气促), 或者呼吸困难, 让医疗保健提供者立即知道.

  16. 一旦EP检查完成,将拔除导管. 闭合装置用于防止出血. 这些包括内部缝合或手工按压.

  17. The staff will help you slide from the table onto a stretcher so that you can be taken to the recovery area. If the catheter was put in the groin, you won't be able to bend your leg for several hours. The knee of the affected leg may be covered with a sheet and the ends will be tucked under the mattress on both sides of the bed to form a type of loose restraint. 这将帮助你记住保持你的腿伸直.

  18. The results of the study may also help your healthcare providers decide whether more treatment is needed and which treatment would be best. 你可能需要一个起搏器或植入式除颤器, 接受或更换药物, 接受消融手术, 或者接受其他治疗.



测试结束后, 你可能会被带到康复室观察或回到你的病房. You will stay flat in bed for several hours after the test to allow 插入部位 to stop 出血. 护士会记录你的生命体征, 插入部位, 以及受影响的腿或手臂的循环或感觉.

如果你感到胸痛或胸闷,马上告诉你的护士, 或者其他疼痛, 以及任何温暖的感觉, 出血, 或者是插入部位的疼痛.


在规定的卧床休息时间后,您可以下床. 护士会在你第一次起床时帮助你. 他们可以在你躺在床上、坐着和站着的时候检查你的血压. You should move slowly when getting up from the bed to prevent any dizziness from the long period of bed rest.

You may be given pain medicine for pain or discomfort related to 插入部位 or from having to lie flat and still for a prolonged period.

测试后你可以恢复正常饮食, 除非你的医疗保健提供者另有说明.

You may be discharged to your home when you have recovered unless your healthcare provider decides otherwise. 如果这个测试是在门诊的基础上做的,你必须让另一个人开车送你回家.

At home

一回到家, 检查插入部位是否出血, 疼的很厉害, 肿胀, 以及异常的颜色或温度变化. 有一点擦伤是正常的. Call your healthcare provider right away if you notice a constant or large amount of blood at the site that can’t be contained with a small dressing and pressure. Also call right away if you have a hard lump under the skin that does not go away by putting pressure over the area.

保持插入部位的清洁和干燥是很重要的. 你的医疗保健提供者会给你具体的洗澡指导.

You may be advised not to take part in any strenuous activities for a few days after the test. Your healthcare provider will tell you when you can return to work and go back to your normal activities.


  • 发烧,体温超过100度.4°F(38°C),或根据您的供应商的建议

  • 呼吸急促(气促)

  • Chills

  • 增加痛苦, redness, 肿胀, 瘀伤, 或出血, 或者其他导管插入处的引流

  • 恶心或呕吐




  • 测试或程序的名称

  • 你进行测试或程序的原因

  • 期待什么样的结果?它们意味着什么

  • 测试或程序的风险和益处

  • 可能的副作用或并发症是什么

  • 你在何时何地进行测试或程序

  • 谁来做测试或程序,那个人的资格是什么

  • 如果你不做检查或不做手术会怎么样

  • 有没有其他的测试或程序可以考虑

  • 何时以及如何得到结果

  • 在测试或程序后,如果您有疑问或问题,可以打电话给谁

  • 你需要支付多少检查费用

