


Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a type of surgery on the bones of your spine (backbone). This type of surgery uses smaller incisions than standard surgery. This often causes less harm to nearby muscles and other tissues. 它可以减少手术后的疼痛和更快的恢复.

The standard method of spine surgery is called open or mini-open surgery. This uses longer incisions down the back, your side, or your belly. The muscles and soft tissue around the spine would need to be moved away.

During MISS, the healthcare provider makes one or more smaller incisions. 然后他们插入一种叫做管状牵开器的装置. 这是一种坚硬的管状工具. 它会形成一条通往脊椎问题部位的通道. It gently pushes aside the muscle and soft tissue around the area. The surgeon can then put small tools through the tunnel to work on the spine. 外科医生还使用一种特殊的手术显微镜, 高分辨率相机, 计算机辅助和机器人导航, 以及脊柱的实时x光片.

外科医生可以在某些类型的脊柱手术中使用MISS. 包括腰椎或颈椎椎间盘切除术, 得到椎板切除术, 用金属棒和螺钉进行脊柱融合术.


大多数背部疼痛的人不需要手术. Your healthcare provider might advise spine surgery if you have a back problem that hasn't gotten better with another treatment, such as medicine, chiropractic care, 或者物理治疗. If you still have a lot of pain, surgery on your spine might fix the problem. 脊柱手术并不能解决所有类型的背部问题. Your healthcare provider will advise spine surgery only if you have a type of problem that surgery may help. 这包括以下条件:

  • Herniated disk

  • 椎管狭窄(椎管狭窄)

  • 脊柱畸形(如脊柱侧凸)

  • Spinal instability

  • 脊椎滑脱(椎体推荐十大正规网赌平台滑动)

  • Spondylolysis or pars defect (a defect in part of a lower vertebrae)

  • Fractured vertebra

  • 切除脊椎的肿瘤

  • 脊柱感染

If you are thinking about spine surgery, ask your healthcare provider if MISS is a choice for you. 并不是所有类型的脊柱手术都可以用MISS完成. And not all hospitals or other surgery facilities are equipped for MISS.


每个手术都有风险. MISS的风险包括:

  • Infection

  • Excess bleeding

  • 移植部位疼痛

  • Nerve damage

  • Blood clots

  • 麻醉并发症

  • 脊髓液泄漏. 这可能会导致头痛或其他问题.

  • 不能缓解你的背痛

Your own risks may vary according to your age, your general health, and the type of surgery you have. Having the surgery at a facility that is experienced in the method can help lower your risks. Talk to your healthcare provider about the risks that most apply to you. Also ask about the qualifications of the surgeons who use MISS. This includes certification on the use of specialized surgical technologies such as robotics, 他们使用它的次数, 以及推荐十大正规网赌平台的治疗结果.


Talk with your healthcare provider about how to prepare for your surgery. 告诉你的医疗保健提供者你服用的所有药物. 这包括非处方药,如阿司匹林. You may need to stop taking some medicines ahead of time, such as blood thinners. If you smoke or use nicotine products, you’ll need to stop before your surgery. 尼古丁会延缓愈合. Talk with your healthcare provider if you need help to stop smoking.

在手术前,你可能需要做影像学检查. 这些可能包括x光或核磁共振.

Follow any directions you are given for not eating or drinking before your surgery. Tell your healthcare provider about any recent changes in your health, such as a fever.


MISS is done by an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon and a trained medical team. The details of MISS vary depending on what part of the spine is being treated, and other factors. Your healthcare provider can help explain what to expect for your surgery. 下面是MISS的一个例子:

  • 你可能有一种麻醉,使你身体的一部分麻木. 你也会被注射镇静剂. 这将使你在手术过程中放松但清醒. 或者你可能会被全身麻醉. 这可以防止疼痛,并使你在手术期间睡觉.

  • 医生会仔细观察你的生命体征, 比如你的心率和血压, during the surgery.

  • 你可能会在手术前后服用抗生素. 这是为了防止感染.

  • During the procedure, your surgeon will use a special type of X-ray to view the surgery.

  • 你的外科医生可能会注射麻药(局部麻醉).

  • The healthcare provider will make a small incision on your back in the area that needs to be treated. 将管状牵开器放入切口. 这将暴露待治疗的脊柱部分.

  • 然后外科医生将小工具穿过这个牵开器. 它包括一个微型摄像机和一盏灯.

  • Your healthcare provider will then make the needed repairs to the spine.

  • When the repairs are done, the tools and retractor are removed. The incision or incisions are closed with stitches, glue, or staples. 在伤口上缠上一块小绷带.


某些类型的MISS可以作为门诊手术进行. 这意味着你可以在23小时或更短的时间内回家. You will need to stay for a couple of hours after the procedure so your healthcare provider can watch for problems. 或者你可能需要在医院住一个或多个晚上. When you’re ready to go home, you’ll need to have someone drive you. If a drain was placed in your wound, it usually comes out 1 to 3 days after the surgery.

手术后你会有点痛. This can be relieved with pain medicines, cold packs, and walking regularly. Ask your healthcare provider if there are any over-the-counter pain medicines you should not take. 通常,疼痛会很快消失.


You will be encouraged to do breathing exercises with a spirometer during the first few days post-surgery. This allows all parts of your lungs to re-expand and clear the secretions.

少量液体可能会从你的切口漏出. This is normal. Tell your healthcare provider right away if the amount of fluid increases, 或者如果你发烧或疼痛加重. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have severe symptoms, 比如呼吸困难或严重的头痛.

Your healthcare provider will give you instructions about how you can use your back after surgery. 你可能需要限制抬起或弯曲. You may need to wear a back brace for a time after the procedure. 手术后你可能需要物理治疗. This is to help strengthen muscles around the spine and help you recover. Your recovery time will vary depending on the type of surgery you had and your general health. You may be able to go back to normal activities in a few weeks.

Make sure to follow all of your healthcare provider’s instructions about treatment and follow-up appointments. 这将有助于确保你的手术效果良好.

Next steps

Before you agree to the test or the procedure, make sure you know:

  • 测试或程序的名称

  • 你进行测试或程序的原因

  • 期待什么样的结果?它们意味着什么

  • 测试或程序的风险和益处

  • 可能的副作用或并发症是什么

  • 你在何时何地进行测试或程序

  • Who will do the test or procedure and what that person’s qualifications are

  • 如果你不做检查或不做手术会怎么样

  • 有没有其他的测试或程序可以考虑

  • 何时以及如何得到结果

  • Who to call after the test or procedure if you have questions or problems

  • 你需要支付多少检查费用


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