
5 Protein-Packed Foods for 健康y, Meatless Meals

For most of us, eating a little less meat could have health benefits. 研究 indicates that a balanced 饮食 low in saturated fats helps reduce your risk of developing heart disease and other chronic conditions.

And while white meats and fish are swaps for red meat, 哪种食物不健康脂肪含量高, 无肉食品含有重要的维生素, minerals and fiber not found in chicken and fish. Johns Hopkins nutritionists recommend five 食物s — high in protein and other nutrients, but with no meat — and explain their health benefits.

  1. 鸡蛋


    鸡蛋是蛋白质的重要来源. 而在过去,鸡蛋是 associated with increased heart disease risk, there’s actually substantial evidence that for most people, eggs are not harmful. 一般来说,吃a 每天吃全鸡蛋是有益的. 然而,如果你有糖尿病或心脏病 disease, keep your eggs to two or three a week.

    No matter how you whip up your eggs, here are some other ways eating eggs 帮助你的身体:

    • 乳房健康: Be sure to include the yolks in your egg dishes. 它们含有必需的 but hard-to-get nutrients such as choline, which helps lower rates of 乳腺癌.
    • 眼睛: The antioxidants in eggs may prevent macular degeneration and 白内障.
    • 体重管理: Studies have shown that if you eat eggs for breakfast, you may eat 白天摄入更少的卡路里.

    餐建议: Keep hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator for a quick snack, try an egg-and-spinach omelet for breakfast or have a spinach salad with a 晚餐吃水煮蛋.

  2. 树坚果


    Tree nuts include walnuts, almonds and pecans — don’t confuse them with 花生,是豆科植物. 树坚果富含蛋白质,纤维和 健康脂肪. But remember, they are also high in calories so measure 小心你的份量. 一把坚果(大约一盎司)是一个 健康的零食和帮助:

    • 胆固醇: Almonds have fiber, vitamin E and monounsaturated fat, which help lower 有害LDL胆固醇水平. 核桃含有omega-3脂肪酸 are good for heart health and help lower high LDL levels.
    • 癌症: The vitamin E in tree nuts helps reduce the risk of breast, colon and 前列腺癌. Brazil nuts contain selenium, an important mineral for 降低患癌症的风险.
    • 大脑健康: The omega-3 in walnuts also boosts brain health.
    • 皮肤: The vitamin E and monounsaturated fats help promote healthier skin.

    餐建议: Sprinkle nuts over a salad, stir into an omelet, drop a handful into a frittata or pack a handful in your lunch as a quick snack.

  3. 豆类

    Many varieties of dried legumes in tiled pattern

    豆类 include a range of beans and peas such as black beans, chickpeas 和扁豆. They’re loaded with protein, fiber and many key nutrients including calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. 不要让自己渺小 尺寸骗你. 它们具有强大的健康功效:

    • 糖尿病和胆固醇: 豆科植物中的纤维有双重作用. 它有助于稳定血糖, which is good for those with diabetes, and helps lower cholesterol.
    • 癌症: 豆类 are full of antioxidants, meaning they help reduce cancer risk.
    • 体重管理: The fiber in legumes also helps you feel fuller faster, which may help 防止暴饮暴食.

    餐建议: Add to salads, stuffed baked potatoes and vegetarian chili, or puree for a 三明治酱. If you’re getting beans in a can, look for a label that 上面写着“不添加钠”.” Otherwise, be sure to rinse canned beans well in water since they’re usually packed in a high-sodium liquid.

  4. 大豆


    Whole soy 食物s, such as edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk and soy nuts, are 瘦肉蛋白的好来源. 与大多数素食蛋白不同,大豆是一种 complete protein, providing all the essential amino acids for optimal use 你的身体. Processed soy ingredients, such as those found in bars and snack 食物s, leave out many nutritional components. 所以坚持食用全大豆 to get the best nutritional value and to reap maximum health benefits such as:

    • 心脏健康和胆固醇: 大豆 is plant-based so it’s low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free. Some research suggests that soy may help lower cholesterol levels. Folate, vitamins B6 and B12, calcium, magnesium and potassium, all found in soy, help lower your risk of heart disease.
    • 头发、牙齿、骨头: With its folate and vitamins B6 and B12, soy nourishes your scalp, hair 毛囊和正在生长的头发. 大豆中的钙有助于保持牙齿和 骨骼强壮.
    • 情绪、经前综合症、偏头痛: Folate contributes to serotonin levels, so soy may help boost your 情绪. Vitamin B6 and calcium may ease premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, and magnesium may help decrease migraines.
    • 体重管理: The nutrients in soy help you maintain a healthy weight and increase 你的瘦肌肉量.

    餐建议: For a healthy, 100-calorie snack, boil 1/2 cup of edamame. 当冷却, 撒上少许海盐. 这是一种用心的零食,因为你有 to pinch the pods to remove the bean, allowing time to appreciate your 食物.

  5. 酸奶


    Your gastrointestinal tract — and your taste buds — can benefit from 酸奶. When planning meals, remember that Greek 酸奶 is higher in protein, regular 酸奶 is higher in calcium and kefir (a 酸奶-like 饮料中的益生菌含量更高. 不管你喜欢哪种酸奶 flavors or styles, you can enjoy these benefits:

    • 消化系统健康: 酸奶 helps maintain the billions of good bacteria you need for a 健康的消化和免疫系统. 另外,酸奶中的细菌也有帮助 the body break down and absorb critical nutrients.
    • 骨骼健康: The calcium and protein in 酸奶 help make 骨骼强壮.

    餐建议: Mix a handful of almonds into 酸奶 for a healthy snack.

    It’s always a good idea to talk to your primary care physician or a nutritionist as you start adding — or subtracting — 食物s to or from your 饮食.

