Overhead view of a large group of food with high content of dietary fiber arranged side by side. 成分包括浆果, 橙子, 鳄梨, 芡欧鼠尾草种子, 全麦面包, 全麦面食, 全麦, 土豆, 燕麦, 玉米, 混合豆, 巴西坚果, 向日葵的种子, 南瓜种子, 西兰花, 阿月浑子, 香蕉等.
Overhead view of a large group of food with high content of dietary fiber arranged side by side. 成分包括浆果, 橙子, 鳄梨, 芡欧鼠尾草种子, 全麦面包, 全麦面食, 全麦, 土豆, 燕麦, 玉米, 混合豆, 巴西坚果, 向日葵的种子, 南瓜种子, 西兰花, 阿月浑子, 香蕉等.
Overhead view of a large group of food with high content of dietary fiber arranged side by side. 成分包括浆果, 橙子, 鳄梨, 芡欧鼠尾草种子, 全麦面包, 全麦面食, 全麦, 土豆, 燕麦, 玉米, 混合豆, 巴西坚果, 向日葵的种子, 南瓜种子, 西兰花, 阿月浑子, 香蕉等.

Foods for Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis


Certain foods may help prevent complications of diverticulosis and diverticulitis, two related problems that affect the colon. Diverticulosis happens when small pouches (diverticula) form in the walls of the colon. Diverticulitis (also referred to as a diverticular flare-up) happens when a tear develops in one or more of those pouches. These tears may lead to inflammation or infection of the pouches, which results in abdominal pain.

“Diverticulosis is a common condition in developed countries, 尤其是40岁以上的成年人,梅琳达·卡特说。, 一名营养学家 西布里纪念医院. 60岁时, up to half of American adults have developed diverticula in the walls of their colon, and up to 30% of people with diverticulosis will experience a diverticular flare-up.”

The good news is your food choices can make a difference. “Although there is not one specific diverticulosis diet, a healthy diet full of fiber-rich foods can help lower that risk,卡特说。.


Cater says people with diverticulosis can benefit from eating fiber-rich foods, including:

  • 全谷物, 比如藜麦, 碾碎的干, 画眉草, 大麦, 爆米花, 燕麦, 碎小麦或麸皮谷物, 还有全麦面包
  • 豆类, including black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils
  • 蔬菜 such as greens (collard, kale, spinach), 西兰花, cauliflower and carrots
  • 水果, 尤其是黑莓和树莓, 还有鳄梨, 蓝莓, 草莓, 苹果和梨(带皮), 猕猴桃和橙子
  • 种子 such as sunflower, pumpkin, flax and chia
  • 坚果 比如杏仁、开心果和山核桃


一开始慢慢来. Cater says if your current diet is lower in fiber and heavier in refined flour, 肉和奶酪, it may take a while for your digestive system to get used to a change. 从一些替换开始, and gradually work your way up to including more and more high-fiber choices into your meal planning.

期待一些变化. “Some gas and bl燕麦ing are normal while you get used to a higher fiber diet,” says Cater. It’s important not to confuse these mild discomforts with a diverticular flare-up. “Increasing your fiber intake gradually will help, as will staying well hydrated. During this transition to a higher fiber diet, having some extra intestinal gas without fever or other symptoms is likely nothing to worry about.”

保持水分. Cater stresses that fiber needs water to work. “Drinking enough water is essential for keeping your bowels healthy and functioning.“多少水才够。? “The number of ounces I recommend is about half the person’s body weight in pounds,” she says. So, for example, a person who weighs 180 pounds would aim for about 90 ounces of water each day.

争取高纤维的目标. “Most Americans get 10 or 15 grams of fiber a day, 但这还不够,卡特说。, offering these guidelines for recommended daily fiber intake:

  • 50岁以下的女性:至少25克
  • 50岁以上的女性:至少22克
  • 50岁以下的男性:至少31克
  • 50岁以上的男性:至少28克

Enjoy 爆米花, nuts and seeds without worry. “在过去, these items were thought to raise the risk of diverticulitis, but decades of research have not supported this idea,卡特解释道.

享受其他健康福利. 根据卡特的说法, while following a high-fiber diet is great for helping to prevent diverticular flare-ups, 它还有其他健康益处, 如:

  • 调节血糖
  • 降低胆固醇
  • 降低患结肠直肠癌的风险
  • Assisting with weight control by helping you feel fuller longer


Cater says during a bout with diverticulitis, the doctor may recommend modifications to your diet, including a temporary hold on fiber intake while the irritation resolves. 例如, 这取决于病情的严重程度, your doctor may recommend one of the following:

  • Nothing by mouth for a short time, also known as a bowel rest
  • 仅限透明液体
  • 流质饮食
  • 低纤维饮食


Acute diverticulitis may require treatment with antibiotics to address the infection. People in the hospital who receive antibiotics through an IV will have their nutrition supervised by the medical team.

“For those who are being treated at home with oral antibiotics, if you are allowed to eat and drink during your treatment, be aware that certain foods and vitamin or mineral supplements may interfere with medications,卡特写道。. 除了, some antibiotics can cause an upset stomach, but taking them with food may ease side effects.

“Be sure to read the packaging on the prescription or ask the pharmacist to help you understand if there are foods you should avoid while on the antibiotic, or if it is OK to take the medication with food.”

Resuming a High-Fiber Diet After Diverticulitis

After you’ve recovered from a diverticular flare-up and are given the go-ahead by your doctor to resume your regular diet, Cater says it’s important to gradually work your way back up to a high-fiber diet.

 “Over the long term, it may help prevent another flare-up.”

