Two happy people run together.
Two happy people run together.
Two happy people run together.

Runner's Diet

If you run regularly, 无论是绕着街区慢跑以保持健康,还是为马拉松做准备的高强度训练, you need proper nutrition.

Here are some tips to help keep runners well-nourished and ready to win.

Foods for Runners and Joggers

良好的饮食可以促进你的身体健康,帮助你实现健身目标. Make sure your meals emphasize the following basic components:

  • Fruit and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
  • Lean protein such as fish, poultry, beans, lentils and tofu
  • Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts
  • Healthy carbohydrates such as rice, whole grain breads/pastas and oatmeal

Individuals may have different optimal balances, but in general, 将跑步或慢跑作为健身计划一部分的人应该从碳水化合物中获得60%至70%的卡路里, 瘦肉蛋白和健康脂肪各占剩余热量的15%到20%.

Don’t skimp on carbohydrates

虽然低碳水化合物饮食是人们想要减肥的热门选择, they’re not ideal for distance runners, who thrive on carbohydrates for endurance.

这就是为什么低碳水化合物饮食,如生酮饮食,加上跑步不是一个好主意. 专家不建议跑步者服用酮类药物,除非他们的医生告诉他们这对他们来说是一个医学上安全的选择,并且他们在酮症期间受到监控.

Distance runners need more carbs than people who aren’t training. 碳水化合物摄入不足会对你的身体造成压力,影响你跑步后的恢复.

Here’s why: Running uses both glucose in the blood and your stores of glycogen. Glucose is the form of sugar that circulates in the bloodstream, 糖原是储存在肝脏和肌肉中的糖,是耐力运动的主要燃料.

吃大量的碳水化合物有助于确保这些能量储备准备好支持你的训练. When those stores get too low, 跑步者更有可能在训练中耗尽能量,“燃尽”或“撞墙”.

Running Diet — Vitamins and Minerals

Running changes your body and your nutritional needs. Often when people start a running regimen, they are trying to lose weight or get in shape quickly, and they don’t realize they need to adjust their diet.

Especially in women runners, 营养学家报告说,他们看到了过度跑步而吃得不够的趋势, 如果他们不能在饮食中充分补充失去的维生素和矿物质,就会对健康产生影响.

For women in particular, 钙和维生素D对骨骼健康至关重要,可以避免骨密度下降和应力性骨折的风险.

For more vitamin D, include these foods in your meals:

  • Vitamin D-fortified dairy and almond, soy or rice based beverages
  • Eggs
  • Cereal fortified with vitamin D
  • Tuna
  • Salmon

For more calcium, try:

  • Yogurt and cheese
  • Tofu
  • Edamame
  • Almonds
  • Canned fish with bones (such as sardines)

缺铁会影响女性,甚至影响她们的跑步表现. Menstruation puts people at higher risk of iron deficiency, and if iron isn’t replenished in the diet, decreases in hemoglobin can occur and bring on anemia. Hemoglobin is what carries oxygen throughout the body, including the muscles, so if there is a deficit, the muscles may feel the effect of insufficient oxygen during exercise.

Iron-rich foods include:

  • Poultry and other meat
  • Legumes, such as peas and beans
  • Dark, leafy green vegetables such as kale
  • Dried fruits and raisins
  • Iron-fortified breads and cereals

营养学家建议将富含铁的食物与富含维生素C的食物结合食用, such as citrus, bell peppers or berries, since vitamin C helps increase the body’s absorption of iron.

The Truth Behind 'Runners High' and Other Mental Benefits of Running

Two women jog together through a park.

You may have experienced it — that relaxing feeling after a good run. Often referred to as “runner’s high,这种体验通常归因于运动中释放的内啡肽的爆发. But is that truly an endorphin rush you’re feeling, or something else?

David Linden, Ph.D., 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的神经科学教授, 打破跑步者兴奋的现象和跑步对大脑的其他影响.

What to Eat Before Running ― and When

吃一顿饱饭的最佳时间是在你出发前的两到三个小时. Have a good source of carbs paired with protein, making sure the meal focuses on a healthy carb source.

If it’s been more than three to four hours since you’ve eaten, 跑步前半小时吃一份富含碳水化合物的零食可以确保你在出发前有足够的葡萄糖. Directly before a run, 最好坚持吃易于消化的碳水化合物,以避免胃肠道不适,如痉挛或腹泻.

Try these:

  • Bananas
  • Applesauce
  • Crackers, pretzels or cereal
  • White bread
  • Potatoes

Glucose Boosters for Long Distance Runners

如果你正在为马拉松或长跑项目训练,并且要在户外待一个多小时, you will want to bring some fuel with you. Energy drinks, 凝胶管和其他快速血糖助推器是可用的, but you can also use something as simple as fruit snacks.

当你训练的时候,试着练习这些项目,这样你就可以选择最适合你的公式, 你可以在不中断步伐的情况下顺利地获取和摄取它们.

What foods should runners avoid?


  • Spicy foods or foods overly high in fat, which can cause GI upset
  • Foods that are very high in fiber, which can cause gas and cramping
  • 咖啡因——尽管在跑步前喝点咖啡因是很诱人的, runners should remember that for some people, caffeine can stimulate the GI tract, which can result in diarrhea or the need for an emergency bathroom break

Does carb-loading work?

It might. 碳水化合物负荷是指吃大量的碳水化合物,尤其是那些容易被吸收的碳水化合物, such as white bread, pasta and rice ― for 24 to 48 hours before a big race or distance run, 增强身体的糖原储备,减少运动结束前疲劳的风险.

一些研究表明,碳水化合物负荷对准备比赛的人有益, 但重要的是要确保在这段时间里你也让你的身体休息,给它时间来储存你摄入的东西. The number of carbohydrate grams will be differ from person to person, but in general, evidence shows carb loading can be beneficial prior to a distance event.

In contrast, casual runners likely do not need to carb load. 确保他们的日常饮食中包含额外的碳水化合物就足够了.

What to Eat After a Run

It’s common for people not to feel hungry after a run, 但是,在跑步后的第一个小时内,吃一顿含有复合碳水化合物和蛋白质的零食或便餐可以帮助补充糖原储存,并支持恢复和重建紧张的肌肉. For example:

  • Peanut butter and banana
  • Egg on toast
  • Sandwich with deli meat
  • Pasta with meat or plant-based protein
  • Veggie burger on a bun
  • Protein shake or smoothie

Running to Lose Weight

如果你对跑步作为减肥计划的一部分感兴趣,获得足够的营养是必须的. 即使是随意的跑步或慢跑也会燃烧卡路里,而且会对身体造成伤害. 跑步者一开始可能会营养不良,因为他们不知道跑步时燃烧了多少能量,也不知道需要什么来适当地恢复.

Eating enough is also essential to building muscles, 哪一种可以帮助脂肪燃烧——对那些努力达到或保持健康体重的人来说是一个加分项.

For optimal weight loss, 你的计划不应该只依靠跑步,还应该包括力量训练和适当的营养.

Listen to your body

If you run regularly, you should pay attention to the effects of what you eat and when, especially on running performance. 学习什么最适合你需要一些时间和一些试验和错误, but it is worth it, since running, 慢跑和其他有规律的有氧运动对健康有很多好处.

Always feel free to consult a dietitian or doctor, and listen to your body if you’re not keeping up with your training goals.

A Heart-Smart Approach to Marathons and Vigorous Exercise


As an avid marathon runner, Johns Hopkins cardiologist Erin Michos, M.D., M.H.S., has closely followed the research on this trending fitness activity and its effects on the heart. Thus far, she says, 支持耐力锻炼的证据要比反对耐力锻炼的证据多得多.

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