

Infantile hemangiomas are made up of blood vessels that form incorrectly and multiply more than they should. These blood vessels receive signals to grow rapidly early in a baby’s life. Most infantile hemangioma will appear at birth or within the first few weeks after birth. Most infantile hemangiomas show some mark or colored patch on the skin at birth or within a few weeks after birth.

During a baby’s first five months, an infantile hemangioma will grow quickly. 这段时间被称为增殖期或生长期. 对大多数婴儿来说, 大约3个月大的时候, 婴儿血管瘤的大小将达到最大大小的80%.

In most cases, they stop growing and begin to shrink by the baby’s first birthday. 它会开始变平,看起来不那么红. This phase, called involution, continues from late infancy to early childhood.

Most of the shrinking for an infantile hemangioma happens by the time a child is 3 1/2 to 4 years old. Nearly half of all children with an infantile hemangioma may be left with some scar tissue or extra blood vessels on the skin.

婴儿血管瘤是影响婴儿最常见的肿瘤. Infantile hemangiomas are more common in girls than boys and are more common in Caucasian children.

Babies who are born early (premature) or who have low birthweight are more likely to have an infantile hemangioma.

图示儿童眼部上方有婴儿血管瘤. ©Eleanor Bailey


大多数血管瘤出现在皮肤表面,呈鲜红色. These are called superficial infantile hemangiomas and are sometimes called “strawberry birthmarks.”

Some are deep under the skin and look either blue or skin-colored; these are called deep infantile hemangiomas.

When a deep and a superficial part are present, they are called mixed infantile hemangiomas.

An illustration of the vessel grouping that causes infantile hemangioma.
An illustration of the vessel grouping that causes infantile hemangioma. ©Eleanor Bailey


Doctors can diagnose most hemangiomas by doing an exam and asking about the pregnancy and the baby’s health. Hemangiomas that are deep under the skin can sometimes be harder to diagnose. As the hemangioma grows during the proliferative phase (from birth to 1 year old), 诊断会更容易.


如果医生认为你的孩子患有婴儿血管瘤, 他或她可能会使用超声波来查看皮肤下的更多细节. In some cases, especially for large hemangiomas on the head and neck, the doctor may order an MRI to look at the infantile hemangioma, the brain and the blood vessels in the brain.  

核磁共振成像是对推荐十大正规网赌平台身体内部的扫描或成像. The MRI will help the doctor see the size and location of the infantile hemangioma and check for other possible problems.


Large infantile hemangiomas can sometimes be part of a syndrome called the PHACE syndrome. 每个字母代表一个条件:

P -后窝(大脑的一部分)畸形

H – Hemangioma

A -脑部动脉或心脏附近的大血管异常

C -主动脉缩窄(心脏的问题. The aorta is the large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart out to the body. Coarctation happens when part of the aorta is too narrow for enough blood to get through.)

E -眼睛问题

有时“S”会加在“phaace”后面, 哪个代表胸骨裂/脐上缝, where the breastbone forms wrong or there is a scar in the skin over the chest.

Rarely, a large hemangioma — usually in the head or neck — happens along with one or more of these problems in the brain, heart, 眼睛或血管. 当这种情况发生时,婴儿就被诊断为PHACE综合征. 如果你的医生怀疑phaace综合征,做一个特殊的核磁共振检查 超声心动图 (心脏超声检查)和眼科检查.


你孩子的儿科医生, a dermatologist and sometimes a hematologist or a surgeon will care for your child’s hemangioma. 大多数血管瘤不需要治疗. 那些有症状的将由专家管理. Hemangiomas will need to be monitored by you and your child’s pediatrician or a specialist.

在生命的第一年, 当血管瘤生长时, 医生会经常检查血管瘤. 看病的次数将取决于医院的规模, 它位于身体的哪个部位,是否会引起任何问题. If the infantile hemangioma starts causing problems, treatment will be recommended.

For most children, visits need to occur less often after the first birthday until school age.


Most hemangiomas that need medical treatment are treated with medicines called beta blockers.

Propranolol is a beta blocker (part of a class of drugs used to manage problems in the heart) that is approved by the U.S. 食品和药物管理局治疗婴儿血管瘤. 心得安是一种口服的液体药物. 它已被证明能使婴儿血管瘤缩小.

You and your doctor should consider the risks and benefits of taking propranolol before starting treatment. A medical team with experience using propranolol to treat infantile hemangiomas will provide the best care.

Timolol is another beta blocker medicine that is related to propranolol and is available as an eye drop (though used on the hemangioma, 不是在眼睛里). 可直接涂抹在皮肤上的血管瘤表面. 它被用来治疗小的,薄的,婴儿血管瘤.


大多数婴儿血管瘤不需要手术治疗. Surgery is less common now than in years past because of the medicines available now that are safe and effective. Hemangiomas that have noticeable scar tissue left after shrinking may need surgery. 你的医生会让你知道你的孩子是否需要看外科医生.

很少有婴儿在出生后的第一年需要手术. 当需要手术时, it is usually done before school age to repair damage or scars caused by the infantile hemangioma. Some parents choose to wait until the child is old enough to decide whether to have surgery.

多达一半的婴儿血管瘤会留下永久性的印记或疤痕. 这有时可以通过手术切除或修复. 大多数的血管瘤手术可以在门诊进行. 这意味着孩子们可以在手术当天回家.


约翰霍普金斯医学院已经发展了一个多学科的 血管异常中心 为了给推荐十大正规网赌平台提供个性化的治疗. 作为诊断领域的领导者, 研究和治疗血管异常和血管肿瘤, 我们的专家团队提供全面的治疗和护理.


溃疡是血管瘤最常见的并发症. An ulcer is a sore or wound that can develop on the skin over the hemangioma. Ulcerated hemangiomas can be very painful and need to be treated to help them heal. 

Depending on the location of the infantile hemangioma, other complications can occur:

  • 视力:位于眼睛上或眼睛周围的视力
  • 喂食,当位于嘴或嘴周围时
  • 当位于气道时,呼吸
  • 换尿布时,在尿布区
  • Very large infantile hemangiomas, especially when located in the liver, can cause heart failure
  • Infantile hemangiomas associated with PHACE syndrome are at risk for effects on multiple body functions


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