Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology

Dr. 罗伯特·伍德 in a hospital room with his pediatric allergy patient as she looks at the allergy test on her arm
Pediatric allergist 罗伯特·伍德 with a patient being treated with oral immunotherapy.

The mission of the Eudowood Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology is to provide top-notch clinical services, conduct cutting-edge research and train future pediatric allergist-immunologists for careers in academic medicine. The division focuses on both allergic disease — including food allergy, asthma and environmental allergies — as well as immunodeficiency disorders, and it is recognized internationally for its clinical and research expertise in all these areas.

我们的 儿童过敏门诊 provides state-of-the-art care for children with asthma and allergic diseases. In addition to its world-renowned programs in food allergy, the clinic cares for children of all ages with asthma, 过敏性鼻炎, 嗜酸性食管炎, 特应性皮炎, drug allergy and stinging insect allergy. 

我们的免疫缺陷诊所, the Pediatric Immunology Laboratory and the Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) Clinical Center are directed by 霍华德·莱德曼,m.s.D.. 我们的免疫缺陷诊所 and the associated Pediatric Immunology Laboratory provides comprehensive care to individuals with primary immunodeficiency diseases. We diagnose and manage adults and children with a wide variety of diseases, including common variable immunodeficiency, severe combined immunodeficiency disease, chronic granulomatous disease and many others. Honoring our heritage as leaders in research, our clinic has identified two new forms of primary immunodeficiency disease, BLINK和IPEX, and is the first to show bone marrow transplant as a cure for this disease. 

我们的 共济失调-毛细血管扩张临床中心 is the only multidisciplinary clinic of its kind in Maryland and the first clinical center in the world for this rare disease. 我们的团队, which includes specialists in immunology, 神经学, 肺学, 语言病理学和营养学, provides comprehensive care and innovative clinical research for people with A-T. Since its inception, the A-T center has extended the lifespan of its patients by almost 50 percent. 

The fellowship training program in pediatric allergy and immunology is also recognized as one of the world’s best. The division has now trained more than 30 pediatric allergist-immunologists who represent many of the leaders in allergy and immunology in the United States and abroad.  



Emmy’s food allergy journey began early in life after an anaphylactic reaction to a formula bottle at six months old. 从这个, her family learned of Emmy’s life threatening allergies to dairy, 小麦, 谷蛋白, 黑麦, 几乎没有, 鸡蛋, 花生, 树坚果, 芝麻, 和大蒜. 她被一所公立大学录取了. 罗伯特·伍德的口腔食物挑战.

Clinical 研究 for a 健康ier Tomorrow: A Family Shares Their Story

This video discusses the importance of clinical research and gives insight into participating in clinical research, from the viewpoint of a Principle Investigator, 研究人员, a 研究 Participant and their Mother.



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The 儿童过敏门诊 is located in the 大卫·米. 鲁宾斯坦儿童健康大楼. Patients participating in clinical trials are seen in the Pediatric Clinical 研究 Unit on level 9 of the 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心.


Existing Immunology Patients and New and Existing Allergy Patients

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共济失调-毛细血管扩张临床中心 is staffed by a multidisciplinary team that includes experts in 神经学, 进食和吞咽障碍, 肺病学和免疫学. More than 300 patients from all over the world have been treated by the A-T clinic team.


任命: 410-955-5883
推荐十大正规网赌平台的担忧: 410-955-5883

The Immunodeficiency Clinic provides diagnostic and management services for adults and children with a wide range of primary immunodeficiency diseases, including severe combined immunodeficiency, x连锁agammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodeficiency and chronic granulomatous disease. The clinic sees over 500 patients annually.