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medical bill and calculator

Paying for Home Health and Hospice Care

长期护理和家庭保健服务的费用各不相同. 这取决于一个人需要的护理类型和多长时间. For most people and families it's a major expense. 人们通常使用多种来源来支付这些服务的费用. These include federal and state government programs, personal income and savings, and private insurance. 相比之下,许多临终关怀项目是不考虑推荐十大正规网赌平台的支付能力而提供的. Most hospice costs are also covered by Medicare. 以下是这些医疗保健服务的付款选择指南.

Self-pay (private pay)

个人或其家庭可能必须自行支付长期护理和家庭保健服务费用. 如果他们不符合公共或私人第三方支付方的要求,就会出现这种情况. 这意味着动用他们的个人收入、退休基金和任何其他储蓄. Self-pay is not an affordable choice for many Americans.

Public third-party payers


You are likely eligible for Medicare, 65岁以上的老年人的联邦保险计划. People who are unable to be active outside the home, under a healthcare provider's care, 需要熟练护理或治疗的人也有资格获得医疗保险. But there are rules and restrictions. Here are some things to know:

  • Long-term care. Medicare doesn’t cover most long-term care services. 但如果需要某些东西,它可以支付住院后在专业护理机构的一些短期护理费用. 这些包括静脉注射、管饲或熟练的护理.

  • Home healthcare. 医疗保健提供者必须授权并在不同时间审查个人的家庭医疗保健计划. Home healthcare services covered by Medicare must be part-time. 服务还必须由医疗保险认证的家庭健康机构提供. 或者是满足联邦最低医疗和费用要求的机构.

  • Hospice. 医疗保险所涵盖的临终关怀需要医疗保健提供者的证明,证明该人患有限制生命的疾病.


医疗补助计划是联邦和州联合为低收入人群和家庭提供的医疗援助项目. It covers some long-term care services for people who qualify. Medicaid coverage and eligibility varies from state to state. 但所有州都必须为以下人群提供家庭医疗保险:

  • Get federally assisted income maintenance payments, 例如社会保障或贫困家庭临时援助.

  • Are found to be "categorically needy." They may also be "medically needy." This refers to people who are older, blind, or disabled, 但他们的收入太高,不符合“绝对贫困”的标准.根据联邦医疗补助计划的规定,家庭健康计划必须包括某些服务. 这些包括兼职护理、保健服务、医疗用品和设备. Some states may cover other services as well. Medicaid hospice care coverage is very similar to Medicare.

Other public third-party payers

  • Older Americans Act (OAA). OAA为体弱多病和残疾老年人的州和地方社会服务项目提供资金. 这样他们就可以继续在自己的社区里独立生活. 长期护理服务的覆盖范围仅限于符合某些要求的人. 保险范围可能包括家庭医疗保健、个人护理、帮助做家务、吃饭和购物. People must be ages 60 and older. 

  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 退伍军人事务部为与服役有关的残疾提供长期护理. 如果退伍军人无法负担医疗费用,也可以为他们提供非服务相关的残疾. 生病或残疾的退伍军人也可享受家庭保健. Authorization from a healthcare provider is needed. 服务必须通过退伍军人事务部以医院为基础的家庭护理单位提供. Nonmedical home healthcare services are often not covered.

  • Social services block grant programs. 联邦社会服务整体补助金每年发放给各州以满足服务需求. 其中一些资金用于家庭保健机构和家庭主妇或家务工人服务. 更多信息请联系你所在州的卫生部门和老龄问题办公室.

  • Community organizations. 一些社区组织可能会支付全部或部分家庭健康或临终关怀服务. This depends on a person’s eligibility and finances.

Private third-party payers

  • Private health insurance. 大多数健康保险政策都包括一些针对即时或紧急健康需求的家庭保健服务. But coverage for long-term services varies from plan to plan. 有时保险公司会在费用分担计划下支付熟练的专业家庭医疗费用. Check your plan’s coverage with your insurance provider.

  • Long-term care insurance. 长期护理保险政策可以涵盖广泛的福利. These include home care, nursing home care, and hospice care. Check your coverage carefully as policies vary. 年轻的时候买这些保险比较便宜. 对于老年人或已有疾病的人来说,费用会上升.

  • TRICARE. 它的前身是CHAMPUS(军警部门的平民健康和医疗项目). TRICARE generally doesn’t cover long-term care. 但它将一些家庭医疗纳入现役军人和退役军人家属的费用分担计划. 它还为生命受限的受益人提供临终关怀福利. This benefit may provide nursing, social work services, therapies, personal care, medicines, and medical supplies and equipment.

  • Workers' compensation. 如果一个人需要医疗家庭保健服务,因为在工作中受伤, 他们可能有资格通过工人补偿计划获得保险.

  • Managed care organizations. 这些是团体健康计划,可能包括长期护理、家庭保健和临终关怀服务. 与医疗保险签订合同的管理式医疗组织必须提供医疗保险覆盖的家庭健康和临终关怀服务. These organizations must be approved ahead of time.

Johns Hopkins Care at Home

Caregivers helping a patient in her home.

We provide high quality, 为所有年龄的推荐十大正规网赌平台提供个性化的护理,在你觉得最舒服的地方——你的家或社区. 我们的服务和设备旨在帮助您重新获得并保持一定程度的独立性.

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