
癫痫发作是不可预测的. 当一个人癫痫发作时, it is usually not in a doctor’s office or other medical setting where health care providers can observe what is happening, 所以诊断癫痫是一个挑战. Accurate diagnosis depends on taking a careful medical history and using brain imaging and other tests to assess abnormal patterns of electrical activity in the brain.


  • Proper diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy is essential for effective treatment. Diagnostic tests can help determine if and where a lesion in the brain is causing seizures.
  • The doctor will begin by taking a history —asking the person or parent questions about general health, 还有癫痫发作的情况和规律.
  • 脑成像等诊断程序 核磁共振成像夫人宠物, and f核磁共振成像 help the doctor ascertain characteristics of the seizures such as their place of origin (focus or foci) in the brain.
  • 更多神经心理学家的评估, speech and cognitive experts and others can help complete the clinical picture of a person’s seizures and indicate what course of treatment may be most beneficial.


常规脑电图: Monitoring of electrical signals in the brain with electrodes (sensors) attached to the scalp is usually first performed in a specialized outpatient clinic. 这些研究由训练有素的神经学家解释或“阅读”. Clinicians can find evidence of abnormal electrical activity in the brain and figure out the type or types of seizures a patient is having, 以及起源, 通过测量几分钟到几个小时的脑电波.

长时间的脑电图: 如果常规脑电图正常,诊断癫痫发作可能需要住院治疗 癫痫监测单元 用于连续数天的视频脑电图监测. 长时间视频-脑电图监测 uses a video camera to capture onset and characteristics of seizures simultaneously with an EEG.


Some seizures and epilepsies are due to irregularities within the brain tissue, 比如伤疤, 肿瘤或其他可以在放射影像上显示的病变. 其中一些问题可以通过癫痫手术来治疗. 放射检查包括:


一个大脑 核磁共振成像 使医生能够清楚地看到推荐十大正规网赌平台的身体内部结构, 包括脑组织, 利用磁场和无线电波.

By revealing details of the brain’s structure in cross-sectional images called “cuts,” 核磁共振成像 can help the doctor locate possible seizure-producing areas in or next to the regions of structural change (called a seizure focus in patients with focal epilepsy or foci in patients with multifocal epilepsy).

Diagnostic protocols for epilepsy may involve a 3-D portion and special coronal cuts so the epilepsy specialist can evaluate the temporal lobes for signs of mesial temporal sclerosis or malformation of a part of the brain called the hippocampus.

一个大脑 核磁共振成像 may not be necessary or indicated in patients with generalized epilepsy (seizures coming from the entire brain at once rather than focal or multifocal areas).

功能磁共振成像(f核磁共振成像) of the brain can help locate areas where speech, memory, movement or other functions take place. 医生了解负责这些活动的一般大脑区域, 但功能磁共振成像可以帮助更精确地定位它们.

在大脑的功能磁共振成像中, 技术人员会要求推荐十大正规网赌平台完成一项特定的任务, 比如命名对象, 哪一个照亮了大脑的活跃区域. This helps doctors focus on specific functional centers that may be affected by seizure disorders.


一种被称为间歇氟脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)的脑部扫描 宠物扫描 能显示出大脑代谢和化学的变化吗, which is valuable in evaluating patients with many different conditions affecting the brain, 特别是癫痫.

这是一个 核医学程序. The patient wears a plastic mask that helps with positioning in the scanner machine. A technologist injects a small amount of radioactive material into a vein in the patient’s arm while, 同时, 从另一只手臂取血样. As the material moves through the brain, the scanner machine reveals and records changes.


也叫“ictal SPECT”, this procedure can detect areas of the brain with changes in cell metabolism, 血液流动, 或者癫痫发作时脑细胞之间的传输. These areas of altered activity can indicate seizure-causing conditions in a particular patient.

The test takes place in a monitoring unit where the doctors and the patient wait for a seizure to occur. 测试的第一部分发生在癫痫发作期间(癫痫发作)。, and the second is after the seizure (interictal); the doctors then compare these two studies. 在这两个阶段中的每一个阶段, a health professional injects an imaging agent and the patient is transported to a specialized scanner that can visualize 血液流动 in the brain.


Physicians use intracranial monitoring technology to observe the characteristics of a patient’s seizures and correlate these findings with the 脑电图(EEG. 测试可以包括以下内容:

深度电极: 这些都很小, multi-contact probes that are inserted through small holes made in the skull and the coverings of the brain.

条形和栅格电极: These small platinum disks are set in a sheet of plastic and inserted underneath the covering of the brain called the dura.

深度, strip and grid electrodes record brain wave activity in between and during seizures for planning epilepsy surgery.



当癫痫手术是指解决癫痫发作, 这项分为两部分的测试是患者术前检查的一部分. 该测试可以预测手术对语言和记忆功能的影响. 资料来自 和田测试 helps determine the type of surgery that will best treat seizures while preserving areas of the brain associated with speech, 记忆和思维功能.


Some people with epilepsy suffer from memory problems or other cognitive difficulties, 比如在对话中找不到正确的单词. 这些问题可能是由反复发作引起的, 药物, 或者是导致癫痫发作的脑部疾病.

A quantitative assessment can provide insight into the severity and indicate the location of lesions that are causing the seizures. Neuropsychological assessments can gauge a patient's cognitive (thinking) abilities as they relate to the function of different brain structures. 例如, impaired memory may indicate an abnormality in the function of parts of the brain called the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe.

