Obesity Treatment Overview


Regardless of the type or combination of obesity treatment, goal setting is an important part of any obesity treatment plan. While a person may want to lose a large amount of weight, 重要的是要认识到,设定和实现一个现实的目标,即减少体重的3%到5%,将产生重要的影响, positive gains in health.

Treatment goals work best if they are tailored to a person's needs. For example, it is safe to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week, 但一个人可能更愿意以每周半磅的较低速度减肥. Over one year, that is a 26-pound loss. 如果保持这个速度超过3年,体重将显著减轻78磅. Whatever treatment plan a person follows, losing weight slowly will be more effective and healthy over the long term. Quick weight loss often spurs weight regain.

Treatment for obesity

Treatment for obesity may include a combination of different types of treatment. 请务必咨询您的医疗保健提供者,以获得诊断和治疗建议.

There are a variety of methods used to treat obesity. Incorporating multiple methods, such as making diet changes as well as adding exercise, are beneficial.


Although diet plans high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates are popular, 从长远来看,其中一些饮食可能会造成严重的健康风险,因为它们强调饱和脂肪. 长期保持成功的减肥更多地取决于限制能量消耗(卡路里)和增加能量消耗(运动和日常活动),而不仅仅是饮食的组成.

禁食可能会导致体重迅速减轻,但瘦肌肉质量和脂肪一样会减少. All-liquid diets must be medically supervised. They may be used for a short time in people who are obese. Although these liquid diets may be effective in the short term, they are not the long-term answer to weight loss.

Fads, fasting, 而且,尚未经过严格临床试验确定健康效果的流行饮食可能不是减肥的健康选择. 然而,有一些饮食建议,如果遵循,会导致体重减轻:

  • To lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime, begin thinking about an individualized eating plan instead of a "diet.“根据你的个人好恶量身定制的减肥计划更有可能实现可持续的减肥. A balanced diet that is restricted in calories—1,200 to 1,400 calories a day for women and 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day for men—may work well. 注册营养师可以根据个人的具体情况制定个性化的饮食计划.

  • Include a variety of foods in the diet.

  • All fats are not bad. 现在我们知道多不饱和脂肪和单不饱和脂肪对健康有益, such as helping to keep the heart healthy. This means that nuts, seeds, and some types of oils, such as olive, safflower, and canola, have a place in a healthy eating plan.

  • Choose whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, rather than white rice and white bread. Whole grain foods are rich in nutrients compared to more processed products. 它们的纤维含量更高,因此被身体吸收的速度更慢,所以它们不会导致胰岛素迅速飙升. This can trigger hunger and cravings.

  • Choose at least 5 servings daily of fruits and vegetables. 一定要选择各种各样的水果和蔬菜,因为不同的水果和蔬菜含有不同数量和类型的营养.

  • When dining out or ordering take-out food, ask for a take-home box (and use it). Avoid super-size selections when you order. Many restaurant portions are too large for one person. 考虑分享一份主菜或点一份开胃菜,而不是主菜菜单上的主菜.

  • Read food labels carefully. 要特别注意产品中所含的份数和份量. 如果标签上说一份是150卡路里每盒的份数是3, the calories are triple, or 450 calories, if the entire product contents are consumed.


一个正式的有规律的锻炼计划有助于保持和增加肥胖的人的瘦体重, or muscle tissue, while losing fat. 如果一个人按照饮食计划吃健康的食物,也有助于增加体重减轻的速度. 这是因为肌肉组织有更高的新陈代谢率,因此燃烧卡路里更快.

Walking is an excellent choice of exercise for people who are obese. A walking program should start slowly by walking 30 minutes a day a few days a week. Increase gradually to the goal of walking for longer periods most days of the week. If you have severe arthritis and walking is difficult, water walking in a swimming pool is a very effective means of exercise. There is minimal weight bearing on the knees with this exercise. Some fitness centers also offer water aerobics.

Exercise lowers blood pressure and can help prevent type 2 diabetes. Exercise also helps to improve emotional well-being, reduce appetite, improve sleeping ability, improve flexibility, and lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

Check with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.

Environmental factors

A typical day for most U.S. adults all too often involves a sedentary lifestyle. Becoming active takes effort on your part. Use of the car and working at a desk restrict activity. Watching TV is a sedentary activity that can contribute to an inactive lifestyle.

There are simple steps that can be taken to increase daily activity:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

  • Park the car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store or the office.

  • Get off the bus one stop early if you are in an area safe for walking.

  • 关掉电视或电子游戏,到花园去,扫落叶,洗车,或者散散步.

  • Walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike when you watch TV.

  • 找一些全家人都喜欢的活动,比如网球、滑冰、骑自行车或徒步旅行.

By looking at a person's daily routine, 想办法在一天中安排更多的活动可能比最初想象的要容易. This is in addition to exercising.

工作场所可能是一个人的环境的一部分,对减肥计划没有帮助. 然而,有一些策略可以帮助你在工作中保持减肥计划的正轨. Bring healthy snacks, such as cut-up fruits and vegetables, to keep on hand when the pastry cart rolls by. Avoid going to office social gatherings hungry. Plan ahead to avoid the temptation of treats that are high in sugar and fat. 问问你的老板,他/她是否允许在你的工作计划中加入锻炼计划. You may be able to use a treadmill while you work. Some people also benefit from working at a standing desk instead of sitting all day.

Support groups

加入一个支持小组,鼓励和加强努力,帮助你成功地改变生活方式. Some groups meet weekly and are run by volunteers, psychologists, nutritionists, or exercise therapists. 也有在线社区可以帮助提供支持和信息,以加强减肥和改变生活方式的努力. 在改变生活方式时,朋友和家人也可以提供重要的支持. Although commercial weight loss programs can be expensive, many of them offer the convenience of prepared food. 其中一些项目还提供专业咨询,帮助人们根据自己的需要量身定制减肥计划.

Medical treatment

当你的减肥努力失败时,你的医疗保健提供者可能需要治疗. And when coexisting medical conditions make it crucial for a person to lose weight. Medicine may be necessary for those having obesity-related health problems and, while medicines may help, they are not the "magic" bullet. Behavioral measures play an even more important part in any weight loss regimen. 行为策略可以用来帮助改变饮食习惯和增加活动水平. Eating disorders need treatment by a therapist and may also need medicine.

Surgical treatment

减肥手术(减肥手术)是当今有效治疗病态肥胖的唯一选择,对于那些采取更保守措施的人来说, such as diet, exercise, and medicine have failed. Potential candidates include:

  • People with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40

  • 男性体重超过理想体重100磅,女性体重超过理想体重80磅

  • 身体质量指数在35到40之间,患有其他严重体重相关疾病的人, such as obesity-related type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or heart disease

There are several different types of bariatric surgery, but all procedures are either malabsorptive, restrictive, or a combination of the two. Malabsorptive procedures change the way the digestive system works. 食物经过胃的大部分和小肠的一部分,吸收了一些卡路里和营养. With some procedures, a portion of the stomach is removed. 这些手术通常被称为“胃旁路”手术或更具侵略性的十二指肠转换胆道转移.

Restrictive procedures severely reduce the size of the stomach to hold less food, but the digestive functions remain intact. 这种类型的手术可称为“胃束带”或垂直袖胃切除术.

通常,吸收不良手术比限制性手术更能减轻体重. They also lead to more nutritional deficiencies.

Always talk with your healthcare provider to find out more information.

Treatments, Tests and Therapies